What Moves You: Britnee Kent Stays Balanced

Britnee Kent is passionate about nutrition, fitness, and living an active, healthy lifestyle. A student at BYU Hawaii, she is majoring in Exercise Science with a minor in business. Britnee focuses on finding balance in her life, believing that movement is key, and that the food we put into our bodies directly affects how we feel and in turn the quality of living we have. Everyone can achieve the health they desire by taking care of their body. Her Instagram feed @britwkent focuses on providing tips and tricks on eating clean, getting exercise, how she stays balanced, and living the best we can.
My background as it relates to movement.
I have always been very active my whole life. When I was little my parents used to call me the “whirlwind” because I would never stop moving. I grew up loving sports and the feeling of sprinting on the track field, or racing boys at recess. In high school I did track and soccer. Since I have graduated I have kept it a goal to focus on continual movement every day to stay fit and healthy.

How do you integrate motion into your day to day?
I focus on only sitting for two hours max before getting up to move for at least 10 minutes on busy work days. For the gym, I do a workout every day as well as trying to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in a day. Instead of driving I walk or ride my bike to class, as well as running home from the gym whenever possible.
Why is it important to live a balanced lifestyle?
It’s important to live a balanced lifestyle so that you can be as happy and healthy as possible. You are meant to feel your best, and anything that doesn’t contribute to that needs to be changed! As far as work, we all know it is inevitable. It is important to integrate healthy nutrition and movement into your day often while at work. Fluidstance is a great new innovation to do so and gain better balance at the same time.
What is your FluidStance® story?
I love my FluidStance deck! I get very restless sitting and working on my computer during the day, so it’s so fun for me to be able to hop up on the deck and practice my balance and engage my core while I am answering emails, etc. It has contributed to better health and balance for me. I also think the deck is super fun to practice some spins on 🙂 Thank you Fluidstance!
Want to learn more about Britnee? Follow her on Instagram: @britwkent
How about you…what keeps you moving? Comment below or email us at [email protected].